Already a member and wish to renew for another year? Ready, set, renew online!
Please note:
- The membership year is July 1st to June 30th.
- ODPH does not offer refunds*, pro-rated or transferrable memberships between members
- Once paid, memberships remain valid and active for the duration of the membership year, including if a member resigns, retires, changes employers or is on leave
- If you need to make changes to your membership profile/contact information after you've registered or renewed, log in and Edit Your Profile.
To qualify as an ODPH member, you must meet BOTH of the below criteria:
1. be a Registered Dietitian (RD) in Ontario,
2. a) be employed by a municipal (Ontario Health Unit) or provincial, or federal public health agency; or
b) employed in a university with community nutrition programs (and must be responsible for the education of nutrition students or conduct community/public health nutrition research); or
c) retired from full/part time employment in one or more of the above employment categories. A 'retiree' must also meet additional membership criteria outlined in the membership section of the procedure manual; or
d) a former employee under a) or b) and seeking new employment in public health. Eligible members may remain in this interim category for up to two years. Eligibility criteria is outlined in the membership section of the procedure manual.
Join Us!
We now offer membership enrollment online for new members.
Brochure on the benefits of being an ODPH member (pdf)
- Network with Registered Dietitians in public health across Ontario
- Access to the ODPH Listerve - which provides a great way to communicate with ODPH members about research, resources, and programs
- Involvement in advocacy issues - ad hoc or through ongoing ODPH workgroups
- Collaboration, with other dietitians in public health, on specific areas of interest through ODPH workgroups (Family Health, School Nutrition, Workplace, Food Security)
- Skills enhancement - expand on leadership, advocacy, collaboration and partnership skills by becoming involved in the ODPH executive or workgroups
Membership Rates
Membership year is July 1st to June 30th (NOTE: ODPH does not offer any refunds*, pro-rated or transferrable memberships between members). Please wait until July 1 to renew your membership for the upcoming year
Part-time (17.5 hours or less): $60
Retired: $120
Interim: $120
Questions? Problems with our online enrollment? Please e-mail Vincent Ng at and we'll be happy to assist you.
Previous members who want to reconnect with their workgroups before July 1 can contact workgroup chairs or other colleagues to get information. See the Executive, Committee and Workgroup Members page