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Position Statement and Recommendations on Responses to Food Insecurity 2020 (FR)

Énoncé de position et recommandations sur les réponses à l'insécurité alimentaire

Resources position statement Public Cent$less

Position Statement and Recommendations on Responses to Food Insecurity 2020 (EN)

ODPH position statement and recommendations on responses to food insecurity. 2020. English

Resources position statement Public Cent$less

Position Statement and Recommendations on Responses to Food Insecurity 2020 (EN)

ODPH position statement and recommendations on responses to food insecurity. 2020. English

Resources position statement Public Cent$less

Addressing Weight Bias: Call to Action (FRENCH)

Les préjugés liés au poids: le temps d’agir. November 2019. Developed for use with public health colleagues or community organizations working to reduce weight bias.

position statement weight bias Public Executive

Food insecurity infographic Nov 2019

food insecurity infographic revised Nov 2019. developed for Cent$less campaign

November position statement FIWG 2019 Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

Addressing Weight Bias: Call to Action (English)

Update coming soon. Developed for use with public health colleagues or community organizations working to reduce weight bias. November 2019

position statement weight bias Public Body Diversity Workgroup

Health and Wellbeing Philosophy and Approach to Weight

ODPH Health and Wellbeing Philosophy and Approach to Weight

June position statement weight bias 2018 Public Southwest RD Group

French Position Statement on Responses to Food Insecurity

French translation of the position statement on responses to food insecurity.

November Resources food security workgroup Report FSWG position statement 2016 Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

The Nine Essential Elements of a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment

This document outlines the definitions of success for each of the Nine Essential Elements of a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment.

WNAG Workplace Nutrition Advisory Workgroup 2015 call to action position statement Public ODPH Admin

Income-Related Policy Recommendations to Address Food Insecurity

Income-Related Policy Recommendations to Address Food Insecurity (hyperlink to document) provides a detailed analysis of three policy areas (basic income guarantee, adequate social assistance, and reducing precarious employment) that address the root cause of food insecurity. Developed by the ODPH Food Security Workgroup, November 2015. This document accompanies the Position statement on the Responses to Food Insecurity and the Food Insecurity Infographic.

November Resources 2015 food security workgroup Report FSWG position statement Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

Position Statement on Responses to Food Insecurity

Position Statement on Responses to Food Insecurity - Developed by the ODPH Food Security Workgroup to increase awareness among public health staff and management about the growing problem of household food insecurity in Ontario and the urgent need to advocate for effective responses.

November Resources 2015 food security workgroup Report FSWG position statement Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

Menu Labelling in Ontario Restaurants - A Position Paper by ODPH (French)

Un exposé de principes de la Société ontarienne des professionne(le)s de la nutrition en santé publique Groupe de travail sur l’étiquetage des menus

2014 Resources Key Documents MLWG Menu Labelling Workgroup french Report position statement Public Menu Labelling Workgroup (inactive)

Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Video

Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - video. This video accompanies the Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Report and Key Messages Documents, 2012

2012 WNAG Workplace Nutrition Advisory Workgroup call to action position statement video Public ODPH Admin

Serving Up Nutrition Information in Ontario Restaurants: A Position Paper by the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health

ODPH supports menu labelling and calls upon the provincial government to enact menu labelling legislation requiring the prominent display of calorie and sodium content of food items at the point of sale in restaurants in Ontario, as an important step toward creating healthy and supportive food environments for Ontarians. For more information, e-mail

2014 Resources Key Documents MLWG Menu Labelling Workgroup Report position statement Public Menu Labelling Workgroup (inactive)

Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Report

Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Report. This Report accompanies the Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment Key Messages Document and video, 2012.

2012 Resources WNAG Workplace Nutrition Advisory Workgroup call to action Report position statement Public ODPH Admin

Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Key Messages

Key Messages for the Creation a Healthy Workplace Call to Action - Key Messages. accompanies the Call to Action: Creating a Healthy Workplace Nutrition Environment - Report

Communications 2012 Resources WNAG Workplace Nutrition Advisory Workgroup call to action position statement key messages Public ODPH Admin

Call to Action on Food Security - Food Security Cover Sheet

Should we be content that some Ontarians are missing-out on a key opportunity for good health – food security? Does it cause you pause that annual Nutritious Food Basket surveys repeatedly show that many people with low-incomes – both from wages as well as from assistance -- can’t afford healthy eating after meeting other essentials such as housing? Are you comfortable that prosperity is being side-tracked and food bank use is substantially increasing?
To learn more about solutions you could promote, check-out the "Call to Action on Food Security” toolkit, which has been developed jointly by OPHA’s Food Security Workgroup and the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health. (June 2011)

2011 Resources food security workgroup Report position statement Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

Call to Action on Food Security - Food Security Key Messages

Should we be content that some Ontarians are missing-out on a key opportunity for good health – food security? Does it cause you pause that annual Nutritious Food Basket surveys repeatedly show that many people with low-incomes – both from wages as well as from assistance -- can’t afford healthy eating after meeting other essentials such as housing? Are you comfortable that prosperity is being side-tracked and food bank use is substantially increasing?
To learn more about solutions you could promote, check-out the "Call to Action on Food Security” toolkit, which has been developed jointly by OPHA’s Food Security Workgroup and the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health. (June 2011)

2011 Resources food security workgroup Report position statement Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup

Call to Action on Food Security - Food Security Key Messages Background

Should we be content that some Ontarians are missing-out on a key opportunity for good health – food security? Does it cause you pause that annual Nutritious Food Basket surveys repeatedly show that many people with low-incomes – both from wages as well as from assistance -- can’t afford healthy eating after meeting other essentials such as housing? Are you comfortable that prosperity is being side-tracked and food bank use is substantially increasing?
To learn more about solutions you could promote, check-out the "Call to Action on Food Security” toolkit, which has been developed jointly by OPHA’s Food Security Workgroup and the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health. (June 2011)

2011 Resources food security workgroup Report position statement Food Insecurity Workgroup FIWG Public Food Insecurity Workgroup
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