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FLit Measures & Answer Key

List of questions for FLit50 & FLit16 organized by food literacy attribute and domain, with answers

Public ODPH Admin

FLit16 Scoring Key

Scoring key for FLit16

Public ODPH Admin

FLit16 Measure

Ready to use 16-item measure

Public ODPH Admin

FLit50 Scoring Key

Scoring key for FLit50

Public ODPH Admin

FLit50 Measure

Ready to use 50-item measure

Public ODPH Admin

Food Literacy Measures User Guide

Public ODPH Admin

Towards a Weight Inclusive Approach Executive Summary

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

Weight Inclusivity Checklist

This checklist can serve as a tool for assessing the prevalence of weight bias within your organization and ensure that messaging reflects a weight-inclusive approach. The PDF below is a fillable document.

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

Strategies for Mealtime Success FR

Public ODPH Admin

Strategies for Mealtime Success EN

Public ODPH Admin

ODPH Budget Submission 2024

Ontario pre-budget submission on household food insecurity

Communications 2024 Public ODPH Admin

Reduire le cout des aliments et les impacts sur l'environment

Public ODPH Admin

Exemple d'un menu de 4 semaines

Public ODPH Admin

Substitution des allergenes courants

Public ODPH Admin

Augmenter l'utilisation des proteines vegetales

Public ODPH Admin

Modifier les recettes pour repondre au guide pratique

Public ODPH Admin

ODPH Response to HC Infant Formula Consultation

Submission to Health Canada on their proposed restructured framework regarding Foods for Special Dietary Use and Infant Foods

Advocacy 2024 Public ODPH Admin

Increasing the Use of Plant Based Proteins FR

Public ODPH Admin

Increasing the Use of Plant-Based Proteins ENG

Public ODPH Admin

Allergy Substitution List ENG

Public ODPH Admin

Modifying Recipes to Meet the Practical Guide ENG

Public ODPH Admin

Opportunities to Reduce Food Costs and Environmental Impacts

Public ODPH Admin

Sample 4 Week Menu

Public ODPH Admin

Child Care Menu Planning Practical Guide EN 2024 Print

Public ODPH Admin

Child Care Menu Planning Practical Guide ENG 2024 Web

Public ODPH Admin

2022-2023 Annual Report Final

ODPH's Annual Report for 2022-2023 including year end finances and workgroup highlights.

Annual Report Executive Public ODPH Admin

Letter re: Livable Basic Income ACt

Letter sent to members of the National Finance Committee of the Senate of Canada urging their support of Bill S-233, National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income Act.

Advocacy 2023 Public ODPH Admin

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Pregnancy

Public ODPH Admin

Feeding Your Baby FR

Public ODPH Admin

Feeding Your Baby ENG

Public ODPH Admin

Ob*sity Canada Pediatric Guidelines

Letter expressing concern with Ob*sity Canada's blog supporting the release of the 2023 AAP CPG

Advocacy 2023 Public ODPH Admin

2023 AGM Draft Minutes

2023 AGM Draft Minutes from 2023 AGM, held via Zoom on Oct 18, 2023

AGM Minutes 2023 Public ODPH Admin

2023 AGM Presentation

AGM presentation for ODPH year July 1 2022 - June 30 2023 presented Oct 18 2023

AGM Minutes 2023 Public ODPH Admin

ODPH and Food Allergy Canada Letter

Letter to Minister Jones requesting ODB program amendments to cover specialized infant formulas to support infants and children with medical diagnosis.

Advocacy 2023 Public ODPH Admin

ODPH & Food Allergy Canada - Call to Action

Letter to Health Canada requesting amendments to the ODB program to cover specialized infant formulas to support infants and children with medical diagnosis

Advocacy 2023 Public ODPH Admin

2022 AGM Minutes

2022 AGM Minutes approved at the 2023 AGM, held via Zoom on Oct 18, 2022

AGM Minutes 2022 Public ODPH Admin

Infographique de l’insécurité alimentaire 2023

Food insecurity infographic 2023 (FRENCH)

Resources FIWG infographic Public ODPH Admin

Letter to Health Canada on the History of Canada's Food Guide

Letter to Health Canada highlighting concerns ODPH has with how the history of Canada’s Food Guide currently is represented on their website.

Advocacy 2023 Public ODPH Admin

Recommendations to PHAC Postpartum Guide

Letter to PHAC regarding their new resource Your Guide to Postpartum Health and Caring for Your Newborn and the weight-based content within this resource.

FHNAG Advocacy Body Diversity and Health Equity 2023 Public ODPH Admin

2014-2015 Annual Report

ODPH Annual Report 2014-2015: Fueling Public Health Nutrition

2014 Annual Report 2015 Archives Public ODPH Admin

Submission of ODPH: Land Use Planning Co-ordinated Review - Letter - May 28 2015

The Ontario Dietitians in Public Health (ODPH) submission for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Land Use Planning 2015 Co-ordinated Review. This letter outlines ODPH’s rationale for adding our lens to this review, as well as summarizes our recommendations.

Communications May 2015 Land Use Planning Public ODPH Admin

Submission of ODPH: Land Use Planning Co-ordinated Review - Document - May 28 2015

The Ontario Dietitians in Public Health (ODPH) submission for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Land Use Planning 2015 Co-ordinated Review. This document discusses our recommendations in the context of the six goals of the review.

Communications May 2015 Land Use Planning Public ODPH Admin

ODPH Advocacy Fact Sheet


Communications May Advocacy Committee 2015 Public ODPH Admin

Healthy Dietary Choices for Children

Healthy Dietary Choices for Children

Resources Key Documents Public ODPH Admin

Public Health Nutrition...An Investment in the Future (1998)

Public health nutrition professionals are essential to health units, bringing appropriate skills, and a unique perspective. They are the only Registered Dietitians who have the mandate to serve the entire community. Public health nutrition professionals bring many strengths to health units. By using their skills, health units can better meet the requirements of provincially mandated programs, and maximize health outcomes in their communities.

Resources Key Documents Public ODPH Admin

Supersize Me: A Discussion Guide for Educators (1998) [

This discussion guide has been developed in response to educators requesting a tool to help with the use of the movie Super Size Me in the classroom. We are not encouraging the use of, or endorsing, this movie and we recommend that Super Size Me only be shown in classrooms with guided discussion around the sensitive and controversial subjects presented. Be aware of stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes presented, and be sure to address these in your classroom discussion. We do not feel Super Size Me is appropriate for students below the grade 6 level.

Resources Key Documents Public ODPH Admin

ODPH Senior Care Strategy Recommendations

ODPH was invited to provided recommendations to the Senior Care Strategy, outlines in  Ontario's Action Plan for Health Care. 

Communications 2012 September Public ODPH Admin

Regarding Caffeine Recommendation in Best Start Resource

ODPH is requesting Best Start consider changing their caffeine during pregnancy recommendation back to 300 mg to align with the current Health Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) recommendation.

Communications 2010 May Public ODPH Admin

Response from Laurel Broten re: Day Nurseries Act letter

The Ministry acknowledges our letter and concerns and states that Ministry staff will be in touch to discuss our recommendations.

Communications 2010 April Public ODPH Admin

Response Letter from Minister Aglukkag re Trans Fat

The Ministry acknowledges our letter and concerns and states that the "Department recommends that the trans fat content of vegetable oils and soft, spreadable margerines be limited to two percent of the total fat content".

Communications 2010 April Public ODPH Admin

Letter to Ministry of Health urging Health Canada to protect Canadians from excessive intakes of vitamins and minerals above the

ODPH urges Health Canada to discontinue the current practice of allowing Natural Health Products (NHPs) in conventional food products and to put a halt to the current practice of allowing NHPs into the marketplace before adequate safety assessments have been completed.

Communications 2010 March Public ODPH Admin

Provincial Nutrition Society agrees new School Food and Beverage Policy is a positive step

ODPH and OPHA applaud the release of the School Food and Beverage Policy by the Ministry of Education. The new policy will provide direction for schools when deciding which foods and beverages can be sold to students. To further benefit the nutritional and overall health of Ontario's children and youth, ODPH also supports a whole school approach.

Communications January 2010 Public ODPH Admin
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